Wednesday, August 28, 2013

guess who has been monogamous...

For over two months now?

Yeah, that's right, this girl.

It's been a pretty atypical summer for me. During my Mommycation in June I was seeing this charter fishing captain but then he got super busy with charters and didn't have time for me *pout*. I also had a pretty spectacular threesome during my Mommycation with my lover and another friend. But since's just been my lover.

It's not that I haven't had opportunities. Oh, no, that is not it at all. I have met at least a half dozen men this summer and I am pretty sure I could have fucked any of them but for whatever reason, I just chose not to. I wasn't attracted to some of them. Some of them I was just "meh" about. And now that I have gone 2 months without a new partner I kind of want it to be special when I break my streak, you know? Someone I am really into.

I have decided I am perhaps not a very good swinger. Although I truly believe that it's more of a mindset than it is a set of prescribed actions. I'm certainly open to opportunities. I just haven't found the right ones for me in awhile.

But now I feel it is imminent. I have recently gotten to know a physical therapist. a firefighter, and an engineer and find myself poised to take the plunge with any of them. Or all three. We'll see.

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