Hi all,
It's been a long time since I've posted and I apologize for that. I moved in with my lover at the beginning of last month so we've been in his new house for almost two months now. Some days it still seems completely surreal to me. Those of you who followed me on my other blog remember how strongly I felt that he would never commit to me. Although we still have an open relationship, we have firmly solidified our "primary partner" status, and not just as a default, but as a choice. So there is a sense of stability and security that I never had before. I hope I never take this for granted, because I fought so long and so hard for this. I think about Sarah at the end of Mountains Wanted and how those conversations she had with James were one and the same as the ones I had with him. That's why I can never read Chapter 20 of Mountains Wanted without bawling my eyes out. That pain is just so real to me.
Interestingly enough, the weekend I was writing the ending to Mountains Climbed is the weekend that he made his choice. He told his fiancee that he was not going to give me up. For the first time ever I felt like he chose me over her. I'm still amazed! And I'm not going to lie, I do think that writing the two books together bonded us in a whole different, stronger way than if he had not been involved or if the books had not been written. Remember, the whole book thing was his idea! And people doubt the power of the written word! Let no one deny that literature can change lives!
Things are really good for us. I love spending so much time with him and even the little things that annoy me are a small price to pay for being able to curl up in his big strong arms every night.We're in the process of fixing up the house he bought, so I can normally be seen with paint on me somewhere or bruises from lifting god knows what. We also added two kittens to our family so we have three cats total. It's been a lot of fun for the most part, just slow going with the home improvement stuff.
Writing has taken a backseat for me lately but I am ready to get full-force back into it. My latest project, Fisher of Men, is underway. I am thinking of doing an Amazon promotion for Mountains Wanted and Mountains Climbed next week so if you've never read the first one, you'll likely be able to get it for free if you pay attention.
Thanks for reading, and I hope all of you are well!
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