1. When and how did you decide to become a
I’ve been telling stories my whole life. When I was two I would tell them to my mom who would write them down for me then I would draw the pictures. My first “book” was about Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. But I think I started really considering it as a career in third grade. Yup, third grade. I wrote a story for class. It was actually a biography on Walt Disney. My teacher called my mom in for a meeting. She thought that I plagiarized it. My mom was pretty offended at first. After she told my teacher that she watched me write the whole paper she was very impressed and told my mom that maybe I should consider a career as a writer.That was the first time I thought that this author thing might be something that I wanted to do when I grew up. I got published for the first time at 11 and then in high school I got really serious about my writing.
2. Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
Honestly, I can find inspiration anywhere. I have a file with probably upwards of 15 ideas for books/stories. Just tonight, I got an idea from the name of an X-Files episode. The trilogy that I'm working on now was never supposed to be a trilogy. And it started out because of a one sentence idea and a song that I heard that helped to inspire a big theme and part of the tone of the books.
3. What makes you unique as a writer? What do you think sets you apart
from other writers?
I think that part of it is definitely the genres that I write in. I write fiction, poetry and I'm even working on a piece for a non-fiction collection that I'm helping to compile. And when it comes to fiction I also write across genres. My fiction debut, My Heart is Yours, is Contemporary Romance but the trilogy that I'm writing is YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy with a romance in it. I think that that is probably the main thing.
Some others that I consider important is that I don't shy away from important issues or the darker sides of some things. I don't want to condescend my readers.
4. Where can we learn more about you? (Share links to social media, books, etc!)
I have accounts on many places online, but these are my most active. Plus, links to my books. Thanks for having me today!! :)
Website: http://www.authoramandaleigh.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAmandaLeigh
Twitter: https://twitter.com/APenAndADream
TSU: http://www.tsu.co/AuthorAmandaLeigh
Blog: http://girlwithapenandadream.blogspot.com/
Books: http://www.authoramandaleigh.com/books.html
I’ve been telling stories my whole life. When I was two I would tell them to my mom who would write them down for me then I would draw the pictures. My first “book” was about Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. But I think I started really considering it as a career in third grade. Yup, third grade. I wrote a story for class. It was actually a biography on Walt Disney. My teacher called my mom in for a meeting. She thought that I plagiarized it. My mom was pretty offended at first. After she told my teacher that she watched me write the whole paper she was very impressed and told my mom that maybe I should consider a career as a writer.That was the first time I thought that this author thing might be something that I wanted to do when I grew up. I got published for the first time at 11 and then in high school I got really serious about my writing.
2. Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
Honestly, I can find inspiration anywhere. I have a file with probably upwards of 15 ideas for books/stories. Just tonight, I got an idea from the name of an X-Files episode. The trilogy that I'm working on now was never supposed to be a trilogy. And it started out because of a one sentence idea and a song that I heard that helped to inspire a big theme and part of the tone of the books.
3. What makes you unique as a writer? What do you think sets you apart
from other writers?
I think that part of it is definitely the genres that I write in. I write fiction, poetry and I'm even working on a piece for a non-fiction collection that I'm helping to compile. And when it comes to fiction I also write across genres. My fiction debut, My Heart is Yours, is Contemporary Romance but the trilogy that I'm writing is YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy with a romance in it. I think that that is probably the main thing.
Some others that I consider important is that I don't shy away from important issues or the darker sides of some things. I don't want to condescend my readers.
4. Where can we learn more about you? (Share links to social media, books, etc!)
I have accounts on many places online, but these are my most active. Plus, links to my books. Thanks for having me today!! :)
Website: http://www.authoramandaleigh.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAmandaLeigh
Twitter: https://twitter.com/APenAndADream
TSU: http://www.tsu.co/AuthorAmandaLeigh
Blog: http://girlwithapenandadream.blogspot.com/
Books: http://www.authoramandaleigh.com/books.html
Thank you so much for having me!! :)