Friday, April 8, 2016

Fellow Author Friday ~ Jamie Summer

Please welcome Jamie Summer to the Mountains Wanted blog! Jamie writes YA Fantasy and her new book is called Dalysian Hope. Check out her answers to the interview questions below:

1. When and how did you decide to become a writer? 
 I started writing fan fiction with my best friend about a decade ago. I never thought that it would turn into more at this point. It was fun and I truly loved doing it. The escape from reality was perfect. Until one night I had a dream that vivid that wouldn't let go until I started putting it down on paper. That's how "Dalysian Hope"got started. Even then I wasn't sure about publishing. After all, I had no idea if it was any good. Again, my best friend was the one that told me it was a great story and it needed to be told. So it was. That was a year ago and the book released just a few weeks ago.

2. Where do you get inspiration for your stories? 

For "Dalysian Hope" I dreamt the beginning. I also get a lot of inspiration from covers. I have a pre-made cover addiction, and those covers as inspirational for sure. Other than that, things just pop into my mind at the most random times without any pre-thinking.

3. What makes you unique as a writer? What do you think sets you apart from other writers? 

English is my second language, so first and foremost I hope that everything is correctly written. Other than that, I hope that my writing style just resonates with people. I've never written with grammar or anything in my mind. I put the words down the way they come to me. And I hope the story I want to tell is something that people are interested in seeing. My characters are diverse and each have to overcome their own obstacle on their way. Plus, I have playing with the elements, so they have become a big part of the story.

4. Where can we learn more about you? (Share links to social media, books, etc!)
Twitter: @authjamiesummer
Instagram: jamiesummer911
Spotify: Jamie Summer

Buy link for Dalysian Hope:

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